Horehronsky Czardas - Slovakia

Introduced by Anatol Joukowsky

Circle dance, W-Position. Meter 4/4

This was originally a W dance, but is now generally done by both M and W.

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 1-4 Facing R, step forward on R foot (1), step forward on L foot and turn to face center (2), step on R foot to R (3), close L foot to R foot (4).
2 Repeat measure 1.
3 1-2 Facing slightly L of center, step on R foot diagonally forward and R (1), close L foot to R foot and turn to face slightly R of center (2).
3-4 Repeat counts 1-2 with opposite footwork, and moving diagonally forward and L.
4 1-4 Facing center, step backwards on R foot (1), step backwards on L foot (2), step backwards on R foot (3), close L foot to R foot (4).
5-24 Repeat measures 1-4 five times. On measure 24, beats 3-4, close R foot to L foot (3), hold (4).
Part II
1 1-4 Step on L foot to L (1), hold (2), close R foot to L foot without taking weight (3), hold (4).
2 1-4 Step forward on L foot (1), hold (2), close R foot to L foot without taking weight (3), hold (4).
3 Repeat measure 1.
4 1-4 Step backwards on L foot (1), step backwards on R foot (2), step backwards on L foot (3), step backwards on R foot (4). All four steps should be small.
5-8 Repeat measures 1-4.
9 1-4 Step diagonally forward L onto L foot (1), close R foot to L foot (2), step diagonally forward L onto L foot (3) close R foot to L foot without taking weight (4).
10 1-4 Repeat measure 9 with opposite footwork and going diagonally R instead of L.
11 1-2 Step diagonally forward L onto L foot (1), Close R foot to L foot without taking weight (2).
3-4 Repeat counts 1-2 with opposite footwork and moving diagonally R instead of L.
12 1-4 Step backwards on L foot (1), step backwards on R foot (2), step backwards on L foot (3), step backwards on R foot (4).
13-16 Repeat measures 1-4.
17-20 Repeat measures 9-12.
21-24 1-4 Repeat measures 1-4.
Part III
1 1-4 Step on L foot to L (1), hold (2), close R foot to L foot (3), hold (4).
2-8 Repeat measure 1 seven times.
9 1-4 Step diagonally forward L onto L foot (1), close R foot to L foot (2), step diagonally forward L onto L foot (3) close R foot to L foot without taking weight (4).
10 1-4 Repeat measure 9 with opposite footwork and going diagonally R instead of L.
11 1-2 Step diagonally forward L onto L foot (1), Close R foot to L foot without taking weight (2).
3-4 Repeat counts 1-2 with opposite footwork and moving diagonally R instead of L.
12 1-4 Step backwards on L foot (1), step backwards on R foot (2), step backwards on L foot (3), step backwards on R foot (4).
13-16 Repeat measure 1 four times.
17-20 Repeat measures 9-12.
21-24 Repeat measure 1 four times.
Part IV
1 1-2 Step to L on ball of L foot (1), step across L foot onto R foot (2).
3-4 Repeat counts 1-2.
2-3 Repeat measure 1 two times.
4 1-4 Facing L, run forward onto L foot (1), run forward onto R foot (2), run forward onto L foot (3), run forward onto R foot (4).
5-8 Repeat measures 1-4.
9 1-4 Step diagonally forward L onto L foot (1), close R foot to L foot (2), step diagonally forward L onto L foot (3) close R foot to L foot without taking weight (4).
10 1-4 Repeat measure 9 with opposite footwork and going diagonally R instead of L.
11 1-2 Step diagonally forward L onto L foot (1), Close R foot to L foot without taking weight (2).
3-4 Repeat counts 1-2 with opposite footwork and moving diagonally R instead of L.
12 1-4 Step backwards on L foot (1), step backwards on R foot (2), step backwards on L foot (3), step backwards on R foot (4).
13-16 Repeat measures 1-4.
17-20 Repeat measures 9-12
21-23 Repeat measures 1-3.
24 Step on L foot to L (1), close R foot to L foot (2), rise onto balls of both feet and raise arms high (3), hold (4).